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Vet definition of vet by The Free Dictionary ~ vet 1 vĕt Informal n A veterinarian v vet·ted vet·ting vets 1 To subject to veterinary evaluation examination medication or surgery 2 To subject to thorough examination or evaluation vet a manuscript To engage in the practice of veterinary medicine vet 2 vĕt n Informal A veteran vet vɛt n Veterinary Science
Vet Definition of Vet by MerriamWebster ~ Vet definition is veterinarian veterinary How to use vet in a sentence A Brief History of the Verb vet
Vet Definition of Vet at ~ Vet definition veterinarian See more Collins English Dictionary Complete Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons Co Ltd 1979 1986
VET meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary ~ vet definition 1 a person with a medical degree trained to take care of the health of animals 2 the office where a vet works 3 informal for veteran a person who has served in the armed forces Learn more
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