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Potassium cyanide Wikipedia ~ Potassium cyanide is a compound with the formula K colorless crystalline salt similar in appearance to sugar is highly soluble in water Most KCN is used in gold mining organic synthesis and applications include jewelry for chemical gilding and buffing Potassium cyanide is highly moist solid emits small amounts of hydrogen cyanide due to
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KCN Definition by AcronymFinder ~ The Worlds most comprehensive professionally edited abbreviations and acronyms database All trademarksservice marks referenced on this site are properties of their respective owners
KCN What does KCN stand for The Free Dictionary ~ At KCN Consultancy Services Ltd Kevin is helping client firms in areas such as growth and improving profitability business development finance and refinance mentoring and coaching performance management and cost reduction and process improvement
Potassium cyanide KCN PubChem ~ The excretion of 14Clabeled cyanide in rats exposed to chronic intake of potassium cyanide was studied in rats exposed to daily intake of labeled potassium cyanide in the diet for 6 weeks Urinary excretion was the main route of elimination of cyanide carbon in these rats accounting for 83 of the total excreted radioactivity in 12 hr and 89 of the total excreted radioactivity in 24 hr
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